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Naturally Whitening Foods

If you have had a teeth whitening treatment from your dentist, you have no doubt been informed that there are certain things you should avoid consuming to excess: tea, coffee, red wine, chocolate, dark-colored vegetables and fruits, etc. What you might not know is that there are also naturally whitening foods that can extend the life of your teeth whitening treatment.

Some Naturally Whitening Foods You Can Enjoy

The following are naturally whitening foods:

  1. Strawberries: I know; we just said to avoid dark-colored fruits, but strawberries are the exception. This is because they contain malic acid, which can actually work to take stains off the surface of your teeth.
  2. Apples: A nice tart apple causes you to produce saliva, and that can wash away food particles and harmful bacteria. Apples, because of their texture, also work to scrub your teeth naturally.
  3. Broccoli: Broccoli florets also scrub your teeth naturally.
  4. Seeds and Nuts: This relates to texture as well when it comes to naturally whitening foods because seeds and nuts are naturally abrasive, they can scrub your teeth and reduce minor staining.
  5. Carrots: Carrots also stimulate saliva production.

Other Tips

In addition to consuming naturally whitening foods, if you want to ensure that your teeth whitening treatment lasts a long time, avoid alcohol; it can wear away at the tooth enamel. And of course if you smoke, this would be a very good time to stop. Nothing yellows your teeth quite as quickly as tobacco smoke or, for that matter, chewing tobacco.

Contact Us

Now that you know the naturally whitening foods that you can enjoy following your teeth whitening treatment, why not take the next step? Book a teeth whitening treatment by calling Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA at 678-624-0370. If you prefer to book online, you can do it by using the form on our Contact Us page.

Questions You Should Ask Before Getting Dental Implants

Before you make any major life decisions, you should always ask questions, and it is no different with dental implants. Probably the first question you should ask is one that you will ask yourself: “Am I really happy with my smile?” If the answer is “No”, then the following Q&A should help you to decide if dental implants are right for you.

  1. Q: Am I a good candidate for dental implants?

A: You are if you have even one missing tooth, loose teeth, trouble chewing, or dental bridges that trap food

  1. Q: Can I have dental implants if I am a smoker?

A: Most dentists will expect you to quit smoking before doing dental implant surgery, since smoking can adversely affect your recovery.

  1. Q: Will I be sedated before the dental implants are installed?

A: This is not usually necessary. Most of the time, all that is needed is a local anesthetic, the same as with any other dental treatment. However, if you are very apprehensive, you can talk with your dentist about sedation dentistry.

  1. Q: Do all dentists offer dental implants?

A: Not all that long ago, dental implant surgery was a specialty. Today, though, most dentists offer dental implants. It does require additional training, though. Usually your dentist will have spent three to four additional years studying implant surgery.

  1. Q: How long will dental implants last?

A: If you continue to look after your oral health, your dental implants should outlast you.

  1. Q: What is the success rate for dental implants?

A: It is about 98%. When dental implants fail, it is usually because the patient is a smoker and has claimed not to be, or because the patient has not complied with the necessary aftercare.

Contact Us

Perhaps you have other questions about dental implants. If you do, just call us at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta at 678-624-0370. If you like, you can also type your question into the form on our Contact Us page, and we will get back to you quickly.

How to Make Your Dental Implants Last Longer

How to Make Your Dental Implants Last Longer

Perhaps after reading that title, you are saying to yourself “Longer? I thought dental implants were supposed to last forever!” Well, yes, they are. The dental implant itself is made from titanium, so it will never corrode. However, it could fail. There is also the possibility of damage to the crown that covers the implant. With that in mind, it just makes sense that you should know how to protect your dental implants. Learn how to make your dental implants last longer by following our aftercare.

What Could Cause Dental Implants to Fail?

Three main conditions could lead to failure of your dental implants. They are periodontal disease, trauma or a bad bite.

  1. Periodontal Disease: This can affect your dental implants adversely if not treated. Bacteria cause infection and inflammation in your gums, which leads to bone deterioration that may make the implant loosen.
  2. Trauma: If you sustain a blow to the mouth, the crowns could be damaged or the dental implants could be dislodged.
  3. Bad Bite: Your Alpharetta dentist will not install dental implants without first making sure that there is nothing wrong with your bite. However, as is the case with most things in life, circumstances can change. If you do develop a bad bite, your implants could fail, but this is rare.

Proper Care

The most important thing when it comes to taking care of your dental implants is continuing with good oral hygiene. Do not skip brushing and flossing; sloppy oral care can lead to gum disease, and as previously stated, that can result in failed dental implants. Also, do not assume that because your new smile is not going to decay, you can forego regular dental checkups. You should still visit your dentist every six months.

Contact Us With Any Questions About Dental Implants You Have

Properly cared for, your dental implants can last you the rest of your life. If you have questions about dental implants, or you would like to book an appointment, you can reach us at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta by calling 678-624-0370, or by filling out the convenient form on our Contact Us page.

Choosing Dental Implants or Dentures

Remember losing your baby teeth when you were a child, and hiding the tooth under your pillow to trade with the Tooth Fairy for money? Well, the tooth fairy does not come for adults, probably because she assumes that you are taking proper care of your teeth and ought not to be losing them. The reality is, though, that some tooth loss can reasonably be expected as you age, and when that happens, you may find yourself in the position of deciding between dental implants or dentures. Each has advantages and disadvantages.

Putting Clichés to Rest

We have all watched funny scenes in movies where someone’s dentures come loose and fly out at the most inopportune moment. We also probably think of dentures as something that rest in a glass of water on the nightstand while we sleep. The fact is, modern dentures fit very well and are unlikely to come loose and cause embarrassment. And as long as you clean them regularly, you can even wear your dentures to bed if you like. These are things that you should consider when you are deciding if it is to be dental implants or dentures.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantage to dental implants, of course, is that they look completely natural, and they work no differently than natural teeth because they are permanently fixed in your mouth. The downside is that they are considerably more costly than dentures. So if you are asking yourself, “Dental implants or dentures?”, then you will need to consider your budget. Also, most dental insurers will cover at least part of the cost of dentures but will not contribute toward implants.

Another thing you should consider is the fact that dentures will likely need to be replaced or adjusted every six years or so; implants will never require adjusting because they are a permanent part of your mouth. The only thing you might need to be concerned about is damage to the crown that sits on top of the implant; it is as vulnerable to damage as a natural tooth. However, it can be replaced.

Contact Us

Now you have the information you need to decide whether to choose dental implants or dentures. Contact Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA for a consultation. Our phone number is 678-624-0370. You can also use the form on our Contact Us page.

How to Make Your Teeth Whitening Treatment Last Longer

Teeth whitening is one of the least expensive cosmetic dentistry procedures available, as well as one of the least invasive, and needs little or no recovery time. Most patients are amazed at the improvement in their smile, and they feel motivated to want it to last for a long time. It can – several years, in fact, provided you follow a few basic steps.

Maintain Good Oral Health Following Your Teeth Whitening Treatment

If you have been sloppy about brushing and flossing regularly, now is the time to start. You do not want plaque and stains to build up on your teeth and compromise your teeth whitening treatment, so floss once a day and brush at least twice.

Avoid the Things That Caused the Staining in the First Place

We are not saying that you can never have a cup of coffee or a glass of red wine. But if you habitually down a pot of coffee before it is even noon, it might be time to ease back a bit. If you have consumed something that might stain your teeth, and you are not able to brush, at least rinse your mouth out with water. Remember that even healthy foods like dark berries or vegetables can also cause staining so again, brush or rinse.

Do Not Smoke

You already know that smoking is bad for your health. It will also wreak havoc with your teeth whitening treatment. There is nothing worse than tobacco smoke when it comes to yellowing your teeth.

Contact Our Teeth Whitening Dentist in Alpharetta

Even if you continue with bad lifestyle choices, your teeth whitening treatment will last for months. If you forego, or even cut back on, the things that caused the discoloration in the first place, though, a teeth whitening treatment could last for years. Now that you know the facts, call us at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA, 678-624-0370 or use the form on our Contact Us page to book a treatment. Learn how to maintain your white smile with our tips here.

Cosmetic Dentistry Quiz

What Do You Know About Cosmetic Dentistry Quiz

What do you know about cosmetic dentistry? It often surprises our patients at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA to learn what kinds of treatments are part of cosmetic dentistry services. Our dentists often have to explain that cosmetic treatments can also help with restorative dentistry goals, aligning the bite, improving function, and boosting overall dental health.

Take our Cosmetic Dentistry Quiz below and discover many different facets of cosmetic dentistry that you might not have considered.

Cosmetic dentistry is more about white teeth and vanity than oral health. True or false?

It is a big surprise to many to discover that cosmetic dentistry can include procedures such as straightening and aligning, implants to replace missing teeth, and whitening that actually boosts the health and strength of the teeth. Consider something as simple as alignment. While it does make for a straight smile, it also makes it easier to keep the teeth and gums clean, it prevents uneven wear and damage, and allows the gums to remain healthier. So, no, cosmetic dentistry is not just about good looks!

If I want to use cosmetic dentistry treatments to straighten my teeth, I can only turn to braces or aligners. True or false.

False. Cosmetic dentistry uses remedies such as veneers that can be bonded to properly prepared teeth, closing gaps, straightening crooked or misaligned smiles and providing a near instant smile makeover. These also work as restorative fixtures if your teeth are deeply stained or damaged.

I have heard that teeth whitening will only last for a short period of time. Is that true or false?

False. Cosmetic dentistry includes whitening treatments, and these vary quite widely. You can find take home options that will give you ongoing whitening if you apply the compounds on a regular basis, and in office treatments can last for extensive periods of time, needing only a periodic touch up. If you avoid staining foods and habits (such as smoking) you prolong the results as well.

Cosmetic dentistry doesn’t have anything to help me with chipped and broken teeth. True or false?

False. You can ask our dentists about veneers and bonding as workable solutions to any teeth that have suffered damage. They might also talk with you about porcelain crowns and other excellent, functional and long-term answers.

Did this cosmetic dentistry quiz fill give you the answers you needed about cosmetic dentistry? If not, give us a call at our Alpharetta, GA office at (678) 624-0370. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.

Dentures Quiz

What Do You Know About Dentures Quiz

How much do you know about dentures? At Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA, we know a lot about dentures of all kinds, and we want to ensure that our patients understand the many benefits and details about them before they make a decision about their dental care.

This dentures quiz will help you learn more than ever about the use of dentures – both full and partials, and ensure that you understand any pros and cons of this route. Dentures can be a wonderful long-term solution, but it is best to be sure you are fully-informed. So, let’s get to that quiz!

Dentures will replace all of the teeth in my mouth, and that means I may have to have some of my natural teeth removed. True or false?

False. Dentures come as full dentures, which are the familiar plates that do replace all of the teeth of the upper or lower jaw. However, they also come as partials, and this means that they attach to the natural teeth, using them as anchors. Partials can be used to replace a consecutive series of missing teeth, and you don’t have to have a plate that covers the entire jaw.

Wearing dentures means I have to now live on a soft diet and cannot enjoy the foods I have always eaten. True or false?

False. Our dentists always explain to patients in our Alpharetta, GA office that dentures, whether partials or full, take a bit of time to get used to, and that within a short time after they have started to use them, they will be able to rely on them to bite down on and chew most foods. In addition to learning how to use dentures, most patients will also opt to use an adhesive to stabilize them.

Getting dentures is uncomfortable, painful, and leads to long-term irritation. True or false?

Again, it is false. Dentures will, naturally, create some initial soreness because they rest on the gums, but they are designed to fit your gums specifically, and within a very short period of time, your mouth will grow accustomed to them, and you will be able to eat and speak comfortably. However, the gum tissue can change over time, and you must pay regular visits to our office in Alpharetta, GA to ensure that you get them relined or refitted as needed.

Contact Us

If you have questions about dentures, give us a call at our Alpharetta, GA office at (678) 624-0370. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.

Dental Implants Quiz

What Do You Know About Dental Implants Quiz

If you have been considering the pros and cons of dental implants, you have probably discovered a lot of important information about them. Our dentists are happy to take any questions you have and guide you towards the right decision for your needs. You can visit our Alpharetta, GA office to discuss implant dentistry with our dentists, or you can take this dental implants quiz and discover all of the ins and outs of restorative dentistry.

Is the success rate for dental implants high or low?

The answer to that is simple – it is very high! Implant dentistry has been an evolving science for a while now, but those taking this dental implants quiz might be surprised to learn that the success rate for implants now stands at around 95%.

Is this type of restorative dentistry very painful and lengthy?

Though the very early days of dental implants did find some patients living with discomfort and undergoing a lengthy healing process, most patients in our Alpharetta, GA office experience almost no discomfort and enjoy rapid healing when they follow the aftercare tips given by their implant dentistry specialist.

Will someone getting an implant have to live without a tooth for many months?

This is one myth that this dental implants quiz is glad to debunk! The simple truth of the matter is that restorative dentistry provides for many workable solutions to the missing tooth or teeth as your dental implants heal and bond. From a “flipper” retainer or an immediate implant, the technologies behind implant dentistry have advanced to the point that you never have to live without a tooth. If it is a rear molar, you can opt to leave it alone as the bone and skin heal, avoiding certain foods and following the diet your dentist recommends, but you definitely do not have to live with gaps in your smile!

Is the price of implants a prohibitive issue?

Unfortunately, the matter of costs is not something that can be answered in a dental implants quiz. There are too many factors to consider, as well as too many options. For example, if you opt to have fixed bridges because they are less expensive, but they do not last over the long-term in the way that implants will. That makes it difficult to say which is the better option for the budget. The best answer is to discuss this with our restorative dentistry specialists in our Alpharetta, GA office.

Contact Us

If you have questions about dental implants, give us a call at our Alpharetta, GA office at (678) 624-0370. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.

Teeth Whitening Quiz

What Do You Know About Teeth Whitening Quiz

At Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA, our dentists provide a range of services, including cosmetic dentistry, including teeth whitening. As the ideal finishing touch to a dental restoration or makeover, tooth whitening is a painless and reliable solution to many issues. In this teeth whitening quiz, you can uncover the many benefits of tooth whitening, and decide whether it is the right treatment to discuss with our dentists.

Teeth whitening is done only using lasers? True or false?

False, the dentists in our Alpharetta, GA office perform teeth whitening with the special ZOOM! product that is comfortable, effective and remarkably fast.

My teeth have yellowed with age…that is not treatable with tooth whitening is it? True or false?

False, it may surprise many taking this teeth whitening quiz to learn that tooth whitening products are meant to address staining from years of smoking, coffee drinking or poor oral health. However, they also can help with teeth that have yellowed from age – lightening them by many, many degrees.

Isn’t tooth whitening very painful? True or false?

Once again, the answer is false. When done properly, teeth whitening treatments result in very temporary discomfort for a very low number of patients. Usually, there is little to no discomfort or pain during and after treatment in our Alpharetta, GA office. When there is an issue, dentists offer a variety of solutions that can range from topical remedies to over the counter pain relief.

Teeth whitening treatments that are “take home” are not as effective as treatments in the office. True or false?

This is an interesting question, and those taking this teeth whitening quiz may be surprised to learn that the in-office treatments in our Alpharetta, GA office only work faster because the solution is a bit higher in the percentage of active ingredients. In the monitored and professional setting of a dental office, and in the hands of a professional skilled in cosmetic dentistry, it is safe to use the stronger formulations. The take-home teeth whitening agents are just as effective, but may take several applications over the course of a few days to generate the same results.

Teeth whitening can improve the color of all of my teeth. True or false?

One thing to learn from this teeth whitening quiz is that not all teeth can be whitened. Dental crowns or veneers are made to match the teeth “as is” but will not whiten when exposed to teeth whitening formulas.

Contact Us

Did this teeth whitening quiz help you learn more? If you have questions about a teeth whitening treatment give us a call at our Alpharetta, GA office at (678) 624-0370. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.

How to Care for Your Cosmetic Dental Treatments

Care for Your Cosmetic Dental Procedures

You might already know that cosmetic dentistry is not just about the looks of your teeth and gums, but also about the full function of the mouth. After all, cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry can go hand in hand. Consider something like dental veneers. While they are a common form of cosmetic dentistry, they can also help with the long-term stability of a badly damaged tooth. A tooth that has been cracked by an injury, as an example, can be fixed using a veneer. Not only does that hide the damage, but it also stabilizes and strengthens the tooth. Of course, you also need to know how to care for your cosmetic dental procedures to ensure they provide long-term function.

Dentists in our Alpharetta, GA office at Old Milton Dental provide our patients with a long list of restorative dentistry and cosmetic dentistry options. They also take the time to be sure that you understand the proper care for your cosmetic dental procedures too.

Essentially, the initial goal of cosmetic dentistry is to give you the brightest, whitest and straightest smile possible. That is why restorative dentistry can play a role in it too. To properly care for your cosmetic dental procedures means you need to consider those factors – whiteness, brightness and alignment. This makes the keys to optimal care for your cosmetic dental procedures the following steps:

  • Reduce the consumption (or even eliminate) soda, tea, coffee and wine. If you do drink these beverages daily, use a straw to reduce contact with the cosmetic dentistry treatment and natural teeth.
  • Consider any wear and tear that might have lead to the need for restorative dentistry. Did you grind teeth, chew ice or hard and chewy foods, or eat a lot of sugar that lead to decay? If so, consider wearing a night guard to reduce wear, eliminating sugar to stop any threat of major decay, and consider the damages from things like nail biting, ice chewing and more.
  • Get regular checkups. One of the best ways to care for cosmetic dental procedures is to get regular care. Cleanings, checkups and exams of cosmetic fixtures will help reduce any problems in the future.

Contact Us

If you need to learn more about the best care for your cosmetic dental procedures, give us a call at our Alpharetta, GA office at (678) 624-0370. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.