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Is Teeth Whitening Right for You?

A lot of our patients at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta have been opting for our teeth whitening services lately and many more have had questions about whether or not teeth whitening was right for them. For the most part, people get teeth whitening because over the years, their teeth have become stained or dull. This happens for a number of reasons including eating and drinking dark beverages and foods, smoking and even taking some medications.

If you have yellowed, dull or stained teeth, you may want to consider teeth whitening to give you a younger, more attractive smile. Many people do it to counter the effects of their favorite foods and beverages and some do it to give themselves a confidence boost every time they look in the mirror.

Now you are probably wondering if you are a candidate for teeth whitening, right? If your oral and dental health are otherwise pretty good, you are most likely a great candidate for whitening. To ensure that whitening is right for you and to help you choose your best option, our dentists will want to see you for an examination and consultation.

Pros and Cons of Teeth Whitening

Before you make your decision, you will want to know about the advantages and disadvantages of whitening. Honestly, the only real con for whitening is that it may not get your teeth as white as you want if you were dreaming of ultra-white teeth and you have visible yellow dentin showing through your enamel.

Fortunately, though, most patients are very happy with their level of whitening, and if you are not, we may recommend porcelain veneers to give you an even more dazzling effect.

We have had great success with Zoom! in-office whitening, and most of our patients in Alpharetta absolutely love their results. Plus, if you keep up with regular brushing, flossing, and professional cleaning visits, you can enjoy bright, white teeth for a year or more before you need another treatment.

Want to learn more about teeth whitening and how it can help you? Contact us at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA today at 678-624-0370, or fill out our online contact form at your convenience and one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff members will be with you shortly.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening

There are a lot of benefits of teeth whitening, not the least of which is that it gets you a better-looking smile. When we’re talking about tooth whitening, what we mean is the real deal – a professional whitening treatment. We’re not talking about a box full of little strips that you put on the front of your teeth and then end up throwing away because they’re not all that convenient to use, and besides, they don’t really get the job done. With professional whitening treatments offered by Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, you can actually remove years’ worth of unsightly stains. Even if you’ve been constantly indulging in red wine, coffee, tea and cola drinks – or, Heaven forbid, smoking – you can get a beautiful looking smile with the help of professional tooth whitening treatments.

A brighter smile means that you’re going to feel better about yourself, and you’ll be more willing to show off that smile. That, in turn, means that you’ll be making a better impression on the people with whom you come into contact. Tooth whitening might even lead to better oral health. That doesn’t mean that it’s going to reverse decay, or fix cracks or anything like that. What it does mean is that because you’ll be so happy with the way your teeth look, you’re more likely to want to take care of them with regular brushing, flossing and checkups. So, those are the benefits. Now let’s talk about specific ways of whitening your teeth.

We personally recommend the KOR method of whitening teeth. It’s safe, effective, and the treatment can be completed in less than an hour. It simply involves filling a tray that’s specially contoured in order to ensure your comfort with a powerful bleaching gel, and then placing it in your mouth. You can expect to get amazing results in a single treatment, and once we’re done, we can give you teeth whitening trays that you can take home with you. That means you won’t have to come back quite as often for in-office treatments.

The only down side to whitening treatments is that if you have crowns, bridgework, tooth-colored fillings, or other such treatments along with your natural teeth, they won’t respond to whitening. So if you’re planning on getting a crown or other prosthesis, have your whitening treatment first so that you can be assured of a proper match.

Get the brighter smile you’ve been looking for. If you’re in the Alpharetta area, schedule a teeth whitening appointment today by calling Old Milton Dental at 678-624-0370. For additional information, read our overview blog about teeth whitening.

Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign® is an exciting product that can, in most cases, eliminate the need for unsightly metal braces. They’re clear braces that can be used to correct a number of issues, including overbite, underbite, open bite and crossbite. The benefits of Invisalign are significant, so if you’re considering orthodontic correction, you really should talk to your dentist about the possibility of foregoing that mouth full of metal.

The most obvious benefit of Invisalign over metal braces is that they look better. In fact, they’re almost invisible, and unless someone is practically in your face, it’s highly unlikely that they’ll even know you’re wearing braces. In addition to the obvious aesthetic advantages, Invisalign clear braces are also considerably more comfortable than metal braces. If you know someone who has worn metal braces, you have probably heard the horror stories about the dental pain caused by the regular tightenings, and the irritation of having brackets and wires rubbing against their tongue and the insides of their cheeks. And, of course, there’s the list of foods that you’re not permitted to eat while wearing metal braces – it includes pretty much everything you like.

With Invisalign, there’s no discomfort, because you don’t have to have those horrible tightenings every few weeks. When one Invisalign aligner has done its work, it’s replaced with another. You may go through 20, or even 30, different aligners during the course of your treatment. This means that the tightening happens so gradually you’ll never even notice. And as to those foods that you’re not allowed? With Invisalign, you can eat whatever you want, because the braces can be removed. This is also a huge advantage when it comes to your oral hygiene – metal braces can’t be removed, and that means that food particles can get in, around and underneath them. When you finish your treatment, the front areas of your teeth are probably in the early stages of decay. Invisalign is considerably gentler on your oral health.

Another advantage is that checkups are faster with Invisalign, because you don’t need to have the clear braces tightened. You also won’t need checkups as often, because you’ll get all your aligners when your treatment begins, and just move from one to the next on a schedule that you can follow at home. The only reason you’ll need to see your dentist from time to time is to check on the progress of your treatment.

See if Invisalign is the right choice for you. Make an appointment to speak to one of our dentists at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta. Call our office at 678-624-0370 today! Learn more about Invisalign by reading our blog.

Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

If you think about the phrase “cosmetic dentistry”, you’ll probably conclude that it’s a type of dentistry that focuses on improving a patient’s appearance. Of course, you’re right – cosmetic dentistry’s primary goal is, indeed, to improve the patient’s appearance, but it’s not necessarily the only outcome. In fact, the benefits of cosmetic dentistry can also include enhancements to the function of your teeth – in other words, you may be able to speak more clearly and eat with greater comfort. So, if you want to look better and you don’t mind the bonus of greater functionality in some cases, you may want to consider seeing a cosmetic dentist to discuss your options.

Cosmetic dentistry treatments can include porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, teeth straightening, crowns, dentures, and more. The benefits of cosmetic dentistry are varied, with the main one being an improvement in your self-confidence. After all, you know that your appearance is going to be the first thing about you that gets noticed when you make a new acquaintance. That’s not necessarily right or fair, but it’s the way it is, and if you have discolored or damaged teeth, you probably don’t feel all that confident about smiling when you meet people. Cosmetic dentistry can give you a smile that will make you feel confident.

We touched on restored function previously as a sort of beneficial side effect to the cosmetic procedures that your dentist can offer. Crowns, veneers and dental implants are among the treatments that can help to restore functionality to your mouth as well as improving your appearance. If your teeth are broken or severely compromised by decay, you may have difficulty speaking and eating normally. Damaged teeth can be repaired or replaced so you’ll look better and also have improved functionality in your mouth.

Cosmetic restorations won’t decay. However, having said that, it’s still important to brush, floss, and get regular checkups. Even though crowns, veneers, etc. aren’t vulnerable, your gums still are, and if bacteria are allowed to take hold, periodontal disease and other infections can be a very real possibility. The last thing you want is to neglect your oral hygiene, and have problems with the supporting tissue compromising your restorations and undoing your cosmetic dentist’s work.

If you feel that cosmetic dentistry would be a great benefit to you, call Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta at 678-624-0370 and schedule a consultation today!