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Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

Cosmetic dentistry covers a rather wide range of procedures and services including Invisalign, teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental crowns and tooth- colored fillings. If you are unhappy about more than one aspect of your smile, at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, we may recommend a smile makeover, in which we develop a full plan to improve your smile. These Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs should help you better understand how a cosmetic dentist can help you.

Why Are My Teeth Discolored or Stained?

Some “lifestyle staining” is caused by habits like drinking black coffee or red wine, smoking or neglecting to brush your teeth often enough. In general, as we age our teeth start to look more yellow and dull as their enamel starts to become thin and the yellow dentin on the inside begins to show through. Sometimes medications can cause teeth to appear yellow or stained as well.

Fortunately, teeth whitening addresses all of these issues, and if your teeth are too badly stained for whitening to have an effect, you can always choose to have porcelain veneers placed over your teeth for a whiter, more even smile.

Why Should I Consider a Smile Makeover?

If your teeth are otherwise perfect except for one or two things, you may not need to develop a plan to improve your smile. However, if you have more imperfections that you want to take care of, it is a good idea to consult with one of the cosmetic dentists at Old Milton Dental to create the most effective, affordable and fastest plan to get your smile in great shape.

Can Cosmetic Dentistry Help My Dental Health?

Absolutely. Crooked and uneven teeth can be difficult to brush and floss and sometimes it can be hard to motivate yourself to take care of your teeth and gums if they already look unattractive. Cosmetic dentistry can also repair damaged or chipped teeth and keep them from becoming decayed as well.

For more answers to your questions about cosmetic dentistry, please don’t hesitate to call us at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA at 678-624-0370 today, or you can book an appointment online with our contact form.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Right For You?

The main purpose of the field of cosmetic dentistry is to correct aesthetic issues with the patient’s smile. You might ask yourself, is cosmetic dentistry right for me? People opt for cosmetic dental procedures – including teeth whitening, Invisalign, porcelain veneers and other services – to give themselves more confidence in their smiles. They also choose to see a cosmetic dentist like Dr. Mazer here at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA to help improve their dental and oral health and hygiene as well. Often, it is much easier to keep teeth and gums clean and healthy once they have been aligned, professionally cleaned and/or whitened.

So, if you have otherwise healthy teeth and gums, but you are unhappy with some aspect of your smile, you may be an excellent candidate for cosmetic dentistry. Most patients who are not in need of major restorative dental work are great candidates for cosmetic dentistry, but each patient is different and there are a number of options and services available to attain your goals for your smile.

Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Dentistry

The pros of cosmetic dentistry go on and on. Patients who get cosmetic dental procedures performed experience greater success in their careers thanks to their boosted confidence levels. They also enjoy an easier time cleaning their teeth and keeping their gums healthy and they like what they see in the mirror much more too.

The only cons of cosmetic dentistry really are that some insurance companies don’t cover all of the procedures and services that your cosmetic dentist offers. If you have a lower-end insurance policy, you might find yourself paying out of pocket for some services. However, when you think of the amazing value you will get from a dazzling smile, the cost really does not seem all that high in comparison with years of enjoying your smile and all of the benefits of cosmetic dentistry.

Want to learn more about what a cosmetic dentist can do for your smile? Call us at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA today at 678-624-0370, or you can fill out our online contact form and someone will respond to your message promptly. We are looking forward to helping you get the smile you have been dreaming of!

Dental Implants FAQs

You have no doubt heard about dental implants and how they can replace missing teeth with completely natural looking dental crowns. While this sounds amazing (and it is), you will likely have a few questions for your implant dentist before you commit to this procedure. At Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, we are dedicated to helping our patients understand all of their options for treatment, which is why we have created this list of FAQs to answer all of your questions.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

A dental implant is actually a titanium screw or stud that is placed in the jawbone where it will become fused to the bone as your jaw and gums heal. On the other end of the implant is an abutment that actually protrudes from the gum tissue. This is where your permanent crown will be installed so that it may act as a prosthetic tooth. The whole process can take as little as two months or as much as a year, all depending on how much time your gums and jaw take to heal.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

If you maintain good oral hygiene and you visit us at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta on a regular basis, your dental implants could last you for the rest of your life.

Is Dental Implant Surgery Painful?

No. In many cases, we can perform the entire procedure using only local anesthetic. Afterward, we may prescribe pain relief medication, but must patients find that over-the-counter nSAIDs (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs) like Aleve or ibuprofen take care of any residual discomfort during healing.

Are Dental Implants as Strong as Natural Teeth?

Yes. In fact, in many instances, dental implants may actually be stronger than your natural teeth. And, though your porcelain crowns will be very strong, if they are damaged or chipped over the years we can repair or replace them with ease.

For more information on dental implants and how an implant dentist can restore your smile, call us at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA today at 678-624-0370, or use our convenient online contact form to book an appointment.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening

There are a lot of benefits of teeth whitening, not the least of which is that it gets you a better-looking smile. When we’re talking about tooth whitening, what we mean is the real deal – a professional whitening treatment. We’re not talking about a box full of little strips that you put on the front of your teeth and then end up throwing away because they’re not all that convenient to use, and besides, they don’t really get the job done. With professional whitening treatments offered by Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, you can actually remove years’ worth of unsightly stains. Even if you’ve been constantly indulging in red wine, coffee, tea and cola drinks – or, Heaven forbid, smoking – you can get a beautiful looking smile with the help of professional tooth whitening treatments.

A brighter smile means that you’re going to feel better about yourself, and you’ll be more willing to show off that smile. That, in turn, means that you’ll be making a better impression on the people with whom you come into contact. Tooth whitening might even lead to better oral health. That doesn’t mean that it’s going to reverse decay, or fix cracks or anything like that. What it does mean is that because you’ll be so happy with the way your teeth look, you’re more likely to want to take care of them with regular brushing, flossing and checkups. So, those are the benefits. Now let’s talk about specific ways of whitening your teeth.

We personally recommend the KOR method of whitening teeth. It’s safe, effective, and the treatment can be completed in less than an hour. It simply involves filling a tray that’s specially contoured in order to ensure your comfort with a powerful bleaching gel, and then placing it in your mouth. You can expect to get amazing results in a single treatment, and once we’re done, we can give you teeth whitening trays that you can take home with you. That means you won’t have to come back quite as often for in-office treatments.

The only down side to whitening treatments is that if you have crowns, bridgework, tooth-colored fillings, or other such treatments along with your natural teeth, they won’t respond to whitening. So if you’re planning on getting a crown or other prosthesis, have your whitening treatment first so that you can be assured of a proper match.

Get the brighter smile you’ve been looking for. If you’re in the Alpharetta area, schedule a teeth whitening appointment today by calling Old Milton Dental at 678-624-0370. For additional information, read our overview blog about teeth whitening.

Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign® is an exciting product that can, in most cases, eliminate the need for unsightly metal braces. They’re clear braces that can be used to correct a number of issues, including overbite, underbite, open bite and crossbite. The benefits of Invisalign are significant, so if you’re considering orthodontic correction, you really should talk to your dentist about the possibility of foregoing that mouth full of metal.

The most obvious benefit of Invisalign over metal braces is that they look better. In fact, they’re almost invisible, and unless someone is practically in your face, it’s highly unlikely that they’ll even know you’re wearing braces. In addition to the obvious aesthetic advantages, Invisalign clear braces are also considerably more comfortable than metal braces. If you know someone who has worn metal braces, you have probably heard the horror stories about the dental pain caused by the regular tightenings, and the irritation of having brackets and wires rubbing against their tongue and the insides of their cheeks. And, of course, there’s the list of foods that you’re not permitted to eat while wearing metal braces – it includes pretty much everything you like.

With Invisalign, there’s no discomfort, because you don’t have to have those horrible tightenings every few weeks. When one Invisalign aligner has done its work, it’s replaced with another. You may go through 20, or even 30, different aligners during the course of your treatment. This means that the tightening happens so gradually you’ll never even notice. And as to those foods that you’re not allowed? With Invisalign, you can eat whatever you want, because the braces can be removed. This is also a huge advantage when it comes to your oral hygiene – metal braces can’t be removed, and that means that food particles can get in, around and underneath them. When you finish your treatment, the front areas of your teeth are probably in the early stages of decay. Invisalign is considerably gentler on your oral health.

Another advantage is that checkups are faster with Invisalign, because you don’t need to have the clear braces tightened. You also won’t need checkups as often, because you’ll get all your aligners when your treatment begins, and just move from one to the next on a schedule that you can follow at home. The only reason you’ll need to see your dentist from time to time is to check on the progress of your treatment.

See if Invisalign is the right choice for you. Make an appointment to speak to one of our dentists at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta. Call our office at 678-624-0370 today! Learn more about Invisalign by reading our blog.

Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

If you think about the phrase “cosmetic dentistry”, you’ll probably conclude that it’s a type of dentistry that focuses on improving a patient’s appearance. Of course, you’re right – cosmetic dentistry’s primary goal is, indeed, to improve the patient’s appearance, but it’s not necessarily the only outcome. In fact, the benefits of cosmetic dentistry can also include enhancements to the function of your teeth – in other words, you may be able to speak more clearly and eat with greater comfort. So, if you want to look better and you don’t mind the bonus of greater functionality in some cases, you may want to consider seeing a cosmetic dentist to discuss your options.

Cosmetic dentistry treatments can include porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, teeth straightening, crowns, dentures, and more. The benefits of cosmetic dentistry are varied, with the main one being an improvement in your self-confidence. After all, you know that your appearance is going to be the first thing about you that gets noticed when you make a new acquaintance. That’s not necessarily right or fair, but it’s the way it is, and if you have discolored or damaged teeth, you probably don’t feel all that confident about smiling when you meet people. Cosmetic dentistry can give you a smile that will make you feel confident.

We touched on restored function previously as a sort of beneficial side effect to the cosmetic procedures that your dentist can offer. Crowns, veneers and dental implants are among the treatments that can help to restore functionality to your mouth as well as improving your appearance. If your teeth are broken or severely compromised by decay, you may have difficulty speaking and eating normally. Damaged teeth can be repaired or replaced so you’ll look better and also have improved functionality in your mouth.

Cosmetic restorations won’t decay. However, having said that, it’s still important to brush, floss, and get regular checkups. Even though crowns, veneers, etc. aren’t vulnerable, your gums still are, and if bacteria are allowed to take hold, periodontal disease and other infections can be a very real possibility. The last thing you want is to neglect your oral hygiene, and have problems with the supporting tissue compromising your restorations and undoing your cosmetic dentist’s work.

If you feel that cosmetic dentistry would be a great benefit to you, call Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta at 678-624-0370 and schedule a consultation today!

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Do you have a smile that perhaps isn’t showing you at your best? If you have gappy, discolored, chipped or cracked teeth, you might be a great candidate for porcelain veneers. Some dentists actually call dental veneers “instant orthodontics” because they can restore even a badly damaged smile quickly and dramatically.

Dental veneers are simply thin shells that are made out of dental ceramic. They’re custom made to suit your particular requirements, and then cemented onto your teeth to mask any number of cosmetic issues. Veneers are considerably less expensive than crowns, but they look every bit as natural, making them one of the most effective cosmetic dental care options available. In fact, in many cases all that’s necessary to give you a movie-star smile is some well-crafted porcelain veneers. One of the best things about veneers is that they blend in completely with the rest of your tooth. That means that even under artificial light, they’ll look totally natural.

The procedure for having porcelain veneers placed isn’t all that complex. It basically involves having your dentist scrape away a bit of your tooth enamel so that the veneers, when installed, won’t feel too thick. With some types of super-thin veneers, this part of the procedure may not even be necessary. Then your dentist will take an impression of your teeth and send it off to the lab where the veneers are made. You’ll be able to make color adjustments so that your veneers will look natural and complement your skin tone. Once the veneers come back from the lab, you and your dentist will do a final quick check to make sure that the color is right, and then they’ll be bonded in place using a special cement.

Your dental veneers will resist staining and discoloration, and of course they won’t decay. Remember, though, that the underlying teeth and your gums are still vulnerable, so you still have to brush and floss every day, and see your dentist for regular cleanings and checkups.

Porcelain veneers can be a great way of correcting dental imperfections and giving you the smile that you want. Sometimes, though, other treatments like crowns or dental implants may be more desirable. Your dentist can tell you about other treatments, and then you can decide whether veneers are right for you.

Find out if porcelain veneers are right for you by contacting our office in Alpharetta at (678) 624-0370. Our dentists will be happy to go over all cosmetic dentistry options with you.

About Invisalign®

Most adults do not find the idea of traditional braces appealing or even realistic. Few are prepared to wear the devices, even if it means better bite alignment and a more attractive smile, and so it is fortunate that they can opt for clear braces instead. In fact, patients of Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA can ask their dentist about Invisalign® and discover how they can get the smile of their dreams without anyone even noticing they are doing it!

About Invisalign

Maybe you have heard a bit about Invisalign or clear braces, and wondered if they were a good solution for your needs. They are fascinating devices and custom made for the individual to ensure the best results.

The way that they work is very simple – using high-tech computer modeling, an impression of a patient’s mouth is slowly transformed into a perfectly aligned set of upper and lower teeth. The computer system at work then models out the tiny changes it would take to go from the beginning of the process to the end. From these models, Invisalign trays are made, and when worn for roughly two weeks each, the teeth are painlessly and slowly moved into their new and ideal locations.

Patients can take out the trays to eat and maintain the health of their teeth and gums, and wear them nearly invisibly for the rest of the day. Because the process is meant to be done in increments, it can take up to two years for the process to be completed, but it is done so discreetly, comfortably, and easily that few patients mind the length of treatment.

Why Straighten Now?

Many adults wonder why they should bother with Invisalign or clear braces if they have lived with their less than perfect smile for so many years. The answer is simple: Invisalign does more than straighten the teeth. When complete, your bite will be perfectly aligned, removing the risk to the teeth and the jaw from uneven wear. The long-term benefits of this are immense, and have to be considered in addition to the good looks of your perfectly straight smile.

Speak with your dentist at Old Milton Dental today and ask if you are a good candidate for Invisalign. You can have the smile of your dreams and still enjoy life to the fullest without the stigma, discomfort, and hassles of old-fashioned wire braces. Contact our office today for Invisalign next appointment.

Cosmetic Dentistry

It is unfortunate that the term cosmetic is not always associated with good health and wellbeing, because that is what the cosmetic dentistry services at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA can provide. Just consider that a visit to a cosmetic dentist can allow someone with a healthy smile to make it even healthier. How?

Cosmetic dentistry includes:

  • Dental Crowns – Will protect weakened teeth and serve as a sort of helmet over the remaining portion of a natural crown. Also used on dental implants and root canals.
  • Porcelain Veneers – A durable, fast, and simple way to create a perfectly brilliant smile using thin porcelain shells custom-made for your teeth.
  • Tooth Bonding – A process that strengthens the teeth and brightens them.
  • Tooth Colored Fillings – Enjoy premium dental health without the unattractive metallic fillings of the past.
  • Teeth Whitening – Patients can enjoy in-office or at-home whitening that brightens teeth by several shades and lasts for a very long time.
  • Smile Makeovers – Consult with a dentist and discover the steps needed to totally transform your smile.

Each of these treatments can easily address any vulnerability in individual or multiple teeth. Some may help a patient to overcome a misaligned bite, damaged or weakened teeth, and more. That is not to mention that your self-confidence is boosted with some cosmetic dentistry and that does wonders for wellbeing too!

What to Expect

Ideally, you will want to meet with a dentist to ensure that your teeth and gums are as healthy as possible. It won’t make sense to have cosmetic dentistry done if your teeth may be vulnerable to disease, decay or injury. Once a dentist has reviewed the general health of the teeth and gums, you will be able to discuss your esthetic concerns.

At the same time, functional concerns may be identified by the dentist, and if a cosmetic procedure will help with function, that will be mentioned too. After that, you can work with your dentist to arrange for the treatments needed to enhance the beauty of your perfectly healthy teeth and gums.

Don’t hide your healthy teeth and gums because of a few aesthetic issues; they are easier to manage than you might believe! Just get in touch with us to discuss your cosmetic dentistry needs and be on the path to a picture perfect smile.

Porcelain Veneers

Chances are, you have seen someone with a gorgeous smile and wondered how you too can have such a flawless grin. However, it is also likely that many of the people whose smiles you have noticed also have porcelain veneers. These are an amazingly effective method for getting a picture-perfect smile, addressing many esthetic or cosmetic issues with the teeth and gums, and a service available to patients of Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Thin, custom made shells that are crafted of durable porcelain, dental veneers are created to bond to the teeth and give the appearance of a straight, brilliant, and supremely healthy smile. When done by a skilled and experienced dentist, porcelain veneers look and feel natural, improve the appearance of the teeth and gums, and function identically to your original teeth.

Are Veneers a Good Solution for Me?

You may wonder if you are a good candidate for dental veneers, and generally they are recommended to patients of Old Milton Dental who have any of the following concerns:

  • Stained teeth that cannot be successfully whitened
  • Chipped, cracked, or damaged teeth
  • Unevenly spaced or gapped teeth that are not appropriate for orthodontic care
  • Teeth that are poorly aligned or oddly shaped

The best way to determine if dental veneers are a good answer for you is to book a visit with us and discuss your concerns. Your dentist will do an examination and discuss the different options, including porcelain veneers.

If they are the best route, impressions are made and custom created in a special dental lab. When they arrive, your teeth will be prepared for the veneers, which may include gently removing some of the outermost enamel. The veneers are then bonded to your teeth and you leave the office with a perfect and bright smile.

Strong and impervious to staining, your new porcelain veneers will require the same sort of upkeep as your natural teeth. Annual or bi-annual cleanings are always suggested, and during each visit your dentist will make sure that any dental veneers are secure, remaining in good condition, and still providing you with comfortable performance.

Though not an instant smile makeover, veneers are a wonderfully reliable way to get the best smile possible. With the most natural appearance, veneers can help you overcome a long list of cosmetic dental concerns without any difficulties. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!