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5 Misconceptions About Cosmetic Dentistry

In this day and age of reality shows and elective surgery, the word “cosmetic” has started to earn an unfair reputation. Consider cosmetic dentistry. While it is an array of treatments that will improve the appearance of the smile, there is so much more to it than that. At Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA we offer cosmetic dentistry treatments that improve the function of the teeth and the bite, that boosts self-confidence and overcome social anxiety and that can even boost the health of the mouth.

We encourage patients to learn about the five most dominant myths and misconceptions about cosmetic dentistry in order to empower their choice to pursue some treatments in this area.

  1. It has nothing to do with oral health and is more about vanity and appearances. This is probably the most frustrating of the myths and misconceptions about cosmetic dentistry as it is entirely untrue. We provide treatments such as bridges and crowns to repair teeth and restore their function. We make implants available and they ensure the long-term health and wellness of the patient. We offer bonding to stabilize and restore. Though all fall into cosmetic dentistry, they are also functional and restorative remedies too.
  2. It is far too expensive for my budget. Again, this is one of the frustrating myths about this area of dentistry. The advances in technology have made most cosmetic treatments far more affordable and many of them are cost effective over the long-term, offering restorative or functional benefits that eliminate the need for further treatments.
  3. They take a very long time. Though cosmetic treatments like alignment through the use of trays or braces can take more than a year, most treatments are very easily accomplished in just two or three visits.
  4. It is obvious and unnatural in appearance. This is a big myth about cosmetic dentistry. Most of the treatments we provide to our patients will look entirely natural and fit their face, mouth and jaw perfectly.
  5. Cosmetic treatments reduce the need for general dentistry. This is one of the worst misconceptions about cosmetic dentistry. Though you may have veneers, implants, bridges or crowns as part of your treatment, they need the same daily care and regular cleanings and checkups as your natural teeth.

If you have questions about these misconceptions or myths of cosmetic dentistry, or need to discuss your options, give us a call at (678) 624-0370. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.