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5 Tricks for New Denture Wearers

If you are a new dentures wearer, do not panic; the discomfort you feel right now is not a lifelong fact. Most new dentures wearers eventually find that their new teeth feel as natural as can be, and are able to eat, speak, and smile without any discomfort or self-consciousness. But we admit that it does take time to get to that point. So here are five tricks to help you get past the initial discomfort, from your dentures specialist in Alpharetta at Old Milton Dental.

  1. Do not shy away from trying dentures adhesive.

Modern dentures are often designed to not need adhesive at all, or you may have been sent home with one specific adhesive that is not working for you. In either case, you may feel discomfort because your dentures are moving around in your mouth. Try a new adhesive; just a few drops can help your dentures stay put, making you feel more comfortable and secure.

  1. Try cheek exercises for dentures pain.

If dentures are making your cheeks hurt, try doing some basic exercises, like holding an exaggerated smile for 10 seconds at a time a few times a day.

  1. Follow the advice of your dentures specialist.

Be sure that you are following the post-extraction plan, or aftercare plan, provided to you by your dentist in Alpharetta.

  1. Sing your way to more comfortable dentures.

Many new dentures wearers say that singing along to their favorite songs throughout the day helped them to develop more natural speech much faster after getting dentures. The muscles in your jaw, and the retraining of your vocal tools such as the tongue and lips, around your new teeth, help you get used to the sensation.

  1. Be realistic in your expectations.

Even with the best dentures specialist in Alpharetta, you will not see perfection overnight. To learn more about how to succeed as a new dentures wearer, contact our office at 678-624-0370, or go online.