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Avoiding Dental Implants Problems

After having dental implants placed, many of our patients in Alpharetta have reached the end of a long restorative dentistry procedure, and are understandably ready to start living their lives normally again. However, as with any surgical procedure, there is some aftercare for dental implants that should be followed. Here is how you can avoid dental implants problems.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene After Dental Implants

It is important that you brush, floss, and rinse your mouth as you normally would to maintain good oral hygiene; in fact, after having implants, it may be even more important than ever. One of the dental implants problems that can arise is infection, and by keeping bacteria and food particles cleaned away from your mouth, you can avoid this issue.

Avoid Poor Habits After Dental Implants

There are some habits that should be avoided to sidestep dental implants problems. Smoking and chewing ice are two habits especially that should be avoided to maintain good health for your natural teeth and your new implant. Even your stronger zirconia tooth, used in restorative dentistry procedures for extra resiliency, can be damaged by chewing on ice.

When to Call the Dental Implants Specialist

If there is bleeding or swelling that seems excessive, or that continues beyond the first few days after surgery, be sure to contact your dentist in Alpharetta. This is not normal, and could be a sign of dental implants problems that need to be addressed right away.

Learn More from Your Dentist in Alpharetta

The first step to learning more about dental implants, far before you ever need to worry about dental implants problems, is to schedule a consultation with the dentist in Alpharetta at Old Milton Dental. Contact our office today for an appointment by calling 678-624-0370 during business hours, or contact us online.