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If you are missing just one tooth, a few teeth in a row or you have lost most or all of your teeth, you may be a good candidate for dentures available here at Old Milton Dental located in Alpharetta, GA. While many people prefer dental implants as a permanent solution for lost teeth, modern dentures provide a more affordable option. Furthermore, some patients who are not good candidates for dentures may benefit greatly from full or partial dentures. Not sure if dentures are for you? Read our last blog post to find out!

Will My Dentures Slip?

If we need to extract some teeth to fit your dentures, we will likely provide you with a set of temporary dentures while your gums heal and shrink. These should not move much, but you may experience some slipping. After your final fitting with your fitted dentures, you should really experience almost no slipping at all, especially once you’ve gotten used to wearing them and eating with them.

Can I Eat the Foods I Love?

Unlike old dentures that came unglued if you bit into an apple or ate something even slightly chewy, modern dentures allow you to eat all of the foods you enjoy. You may want to take some time and work up to more challenging foods as you grow accustomed to your dentures, but they will eventually allow you to eat whatever you like.

Do Dentures Require Special Care?

Yes; instead of brushing and flossing your teeth each night, you will take them out and gently brush them with a soft-bristled brush over the sink. You may want to rinse them first to help with cleaning them, but you will definitely want to rinse them afterward. Some people use a mild dish detergent or hand soap to wash their dentures semi-regularly, as well. After your dentures are brushed and rinsed, you will want to place them in a clean glass of water or denture solution.

Do I Need to Have All of My Teeth Extracted to Get Dentures?

No. If you only need to replace a section of teeth (or a single tooth), you can get a partial denture. If you need full dentures, you will need to have any remaining teeth removed.

To learn more about dentures and how they can improve your oral health, call us at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta today at 678-634-0370 or use our online contact form.

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