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5 Reasons You Should Consider Teeth Whitening

You can have a remarkably healthy set of teeth and gums and yet it may not appear that way. There is a long list of reasons that your well-tended teeth may be yellow, stained or otherwise discolored. Fortunately, patients of Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA can enjoy teeth whitening that will put the perfect, finishing touch to their smile.

Of course, many people think of teeth whitening as nothing more than a way to change the color of the teeth, but there are other reasons to consider teeth whitening an important part of your dental care.

  1. Consider teeth whitening as an anti-aging solution. You can have good skin and a radiant complexion, but if you smile and your teeth are very yellow or stained, it just ages you. Whitening eliminates this issue and can often do so in a single treatment.
  2. It is fast! As just said above, patients who use our teeth whitening can often see immense changes in a single office visit. Even those with deep-set stains will see improvements in a short time.
  3. It can be touched up. While many cosmetic treatments have to be repeated often, whitening needs to be done infrequently and benefits from an at home or once annual touch up.
  4. Teeth whitening lets you maintain your habits. Few coffee drinkers will quit drinking this beverage to spare their teeth and the same goes of tea or even wine drinkers. Smokers too end up with stained teeth, and whitening can remedy this situation. While smoking is not something to be encouraged, if you are finding it very hard to quit this habit, high quality teeth whitening can help to reduce some of the cosmetic effects of these habits.
  5. Boosts confidence. A yellow or discolored smile is one that you might be hiding from others. It is a major reason to consider teeth whitening. It will let you smile, laugh, speak and grin with much more confidence. If you find your hand going to your mouth to hide your teeth, or if you hold your lips closed when smiling, it is time to explore teeth whitening.

If you have questions about teeth whitening treatments, or wish need to discuss your options, give us a call at (678) 624-0370. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

Cosmetic dentistry covers a rather wide range of procedures and services including Invisalign, teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental crowns and tooth- colored fillings. If you are unhappy about more than one aspect of your smile, at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, we may recommend a smile makeover, in which we develop a full plan to improve your smile. These Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs should help you better understand how a cosmetic dentist can help you.

Why Are My Teeth Discolored or Stained?

Some “lifestyle staining” is caused by habits like drinking black coffee or red wine, smoking or neglecting to brush your teeth often enough. In general, as we age our teeth start to look more yellow and dull as their enamel starts to become thin and the yellow dentin on the inside begins to show through. Sometimes medications can cause teeth to appear yellow or stained as well.

Fortunately, teeth whitening addresses all of these issues, and if your teeth are too badly stained for whitening to have an effect, you can always choose to have porcelain veneers placed over your teeth for a whiter, more even smile.

Why Should I Consider a Smile Makeover?

If your teeth are otherwise perfect except for one or two things, you may not need to develop a plan to improve your smile. However, if you have more imperfections that you want to take care of, it is a good idea to consult with one of the cosmetic dentists at Old Milton Dental to create the most effective, affordable and fastest plan to get your smile in great shape.

Can Cosmetic Dentistry Help My Dental Health?

Absolutely. Crooked and uneven teeth can be difficult to brush and floss and sometimes it can be hard to motivate yourself to take care of your teeth and gums if they already look unattractive. Cosmetic dentistry can also repair damaged or chipped teeth and keep them from becoming decayed as well.

For more answers to your questions about cosmetic dentistry, please don’t hesitate to call us at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA at 678-624-0370 today, or you can book an appointment online with our contact form.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Right For You?

The main purpose of the field of cosmetic dentistry is to correct aesthetic issues with the patient’s smile. You might ask yourself, is cosmetic dentistry right for me? People opt for cosmetic dental procedures – including teeth whitening, Invisalign, porcelain veneers and other services – to give themselves more confidence in their smiles. They also choose to see a cosmetic dentist like Dr. Mazer here at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA to help improve their dental and oral health and hygiene as well. Often, it is much easier to keep teeth and gums clean and healthy once they have been aligned, professionally cleaned and/or whitened.

So, if you have otherwise healthy teeth and gums, but you are unhappy with some aspect of your smile, you may be an excellent candidate for cosmetic dentistry. Most patients who are not in need of major restorative dental work are great candidates for cosmetic dentistry, but each patient is different and there are a number of options and services available to attain your goals for your smile.

Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Dentistry

The pros of cosmetic dentistry go on and on. Patients who get cosmetic dental procedures performed experience greater success in their careers thanks to their boosted confidence levels. They also enjoy an easier time cleaning their teeth and keeping their gums healthy and they like what they see in the mirror much more too.

The only cons of cosmetic dentistry really are that some insurance companies don’t cover all of the procedures and services that your cosmetic dentist offers. If you have a lower-end insurance policy, you might find yourself paying out of pocket for some services. However, when you think of the amazing value you will get from a dazzling smile, the cost really does not seem all that high in comparison with years of enjoying your smile and all of the benefits of cosmetic dentistry.

Want to learn more about what a cosmetic dentist can do for your smile? Call us at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA today at 678-624-0370, or you can fill out our online contact form and someone will respond to your message promptly. We are looking forward to helping you get the smile you have been dreaming of!

Teeth Whitening FAQs

Teeth whitening is one of our most popular cosmetic dental services, as it gives our patients in Alpharetta a significant improvement in their smiles without taking up a lot of time or money. With Zoom! whitening products, we are able to offer in-office and at-home treatments that give you the brilliant results you have been hoping for. Of course, you probably have a few questions about teeth whitening, which is why we have compiled Old Milton Dental’s most frequently asked questions for your convenience:

How Effective Is Teeth Whitening?

If you go with over-the-counter strips or whitening toothpastes, you may notice an improvement of a shade or two. With professional whitening products and treatments, you will notice your teeth get several shades whiter.

Will My Teeth Get Stained Again if I Keep Drinking Coffee or Red Wine?

Yes and no. Some of your favorite foods and beverages can be some of the worst culprits of staining. After you whiten your teeth, if you follow our after-care instructions, brush and floss regularly and visit us at Old Milton Dental for professional cleanings, you may be surprised at how long your teeth stay brilliantly white between treatments.

Does Teeth Whitening Hurt?

No. If used properly, professional whitening products should not hurt your teeth at all, nor should they increase sensitivity. Whitening gel can irritate your gums, which is why it is important to get customized trays made for your whitening gel, especially if you are going to do at-home treatments.

Is Teeth Whitening for Everyone?

No, whitening does not affect porcelain, so you will not see changes in veneers or crowns if you have them. Fortunately, porcelain does not stain the same way that tooth enamel does, so you should not feel the need to whiten your crowns or veneers if you chose the correct shade for them.

If you have more questions about teeth whitening and your options for a more beautiful smile, call us at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA today at 678-624-0370, or you can book an appointment online with our contact form.

Is Teeth Whitening Right for You?

A lot of our patients at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta have been opting for our teeth whitening services lately and many more have had questions about whether or not teeth whitening was right for them. For the most part, people get teeth whitening because over the years, their teeth have become stained or dull. This happens for a number of reasons including eating and drinking dark beverages and foods, smoking and even taking some medications.

If you have yellowed, dull or stained teeth, you may want to consider teeth whitening to give you a younger, more attractive smile. Many people do it to counter the effects of their favorite foods and beverages and some do it to give themselves a confidence boost every time they look in the mirror.

Now you are probably wondering if you are a candidate for teeth whitening, right? If your oral and dental health are otherwise pretty good, you are most likely a great candidate for whitening. To ensure that whitening is right for you and to help you choose your best option, our dentists will want to see you for an examination and consultation.

Pros and Cons of Teeth Whitening

Before you make your decision, you will want to know about the advantages and disadvantages of whitening. Honestly, the only real con for whitening is that it may not get your teeth as white as you want if you were dreaming of ultra-white teeth and you have visible yellow dentin showing through your enamel.

Fortunately, though, most patients are very happy with their level of whitening, and if you are not, we may recommend porcelain veneers to give you an even more dazzling effect.

We have had great success with Zoom! in-office whitening, and most of our patients in Alpharetta absolutely love their results. Plus, if you keep up with regular brushing, flossing, and professional cleaning visits, you can enjoy bright, white teeth for a year or more before you need another treatment.

Want to learn more about teeth whitening and how it can help you? Contact us at Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA today at 678-624-0370, or fill out our online contact form at your convenience and one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff members will be with you shortly.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening

There are a lot of benefits of teeth whitening, not the least of which is that it gets you a better-looking smile. When we’re talking about tooth whitening, what we mean is the real deal – a professional whitening treatment. We’re not talking about a box full of little strips that you put on the front of your teeth and then end up throwing away because they’re not all that convenient to use, and besides, they don’t really get the job done. With professional whitening treatments offered by Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, you can actually remove years’ worth of unsightly stains. Even if you’ve been constantly indulging in red wine, coffee, tea and cola drinks – or, Heaven forbid, smoking – you can get a beautiful looking smile with the help of professional tooth whitening treatments.

A brighter smile means that you’re going to feel better about yourself, and you’ll be more willing to show off that smile. That, in turn, means that you’ll be making a better impression on the people with whom you come into contact. Tooth whitening might even lead to better oral health. That doesn’t mean that it’s going to reverse decay, or fix cracks or anything like that. What it does mean is that because you’ll be so happy with the way your teeth look, you’re more likely to want to take care of them with regular brushing, flossing and checkups. So, those are the benefits. Now let’s talk about specific ways of whitening your teeth.

We personally recommend the KOR method of whitening teeth. It’s safe, effective, and the treatment can be completed in less than an hour. It simply involves filling a tray that’s specially contoured in order to ensure your comfort with a powerful bleaching gel, and then placing it in your mouth. You can expect to get amazing results in a single treatment, and once we’re done, we can give you teeth whitening trays that you can take home with you. That means you won’t have to come back quite as often for in-office treatments.

The only down side to whitening treatments is that if you have crowns, bridgework, tooth-colored fillings, or other such treatments along with your natural teeth, they won’t respond to whitening. So if you’re planning on getting a crown or other prosthesis, have your whitening treatment first so that you can be assured of a proper match.

Get the brighter smile you’ve been looking for. If you’re in the Alpharetta area, schedule a teeth whitening appointment today by calling Old Milton Dental at 678-624-0370. For additional information, read our overview blog about teeth whitening.

Teeth Whitening

A healthy smile is wonderful, but unfortunately, even a perfectly healthy smile may not be as bright and shining as we would like. Sadly, some cosmetic issues like discoloration and staining can cause us to feel self-conscious about a perfectly healthy grin. And, there is a surprisingly long list of issues that can lead to discolored teeth, including:

  • Dark drinks like colas, coffee, tea and wine
  • Tobacco use
  • Certain medications
  • Damage or decay of the teeth
  • Oral hygiene issues
  • Age

Any of these issues can lead to teeth stains that force you to hide your smile, but fortunately, patients of Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA can have professional teeth whitening that delivers impressive results.

Premium Teeth Whitening Treatments

Whether you have had previous experience with teeth whitening treatments, most patients are astonished by the results from the KOR whitening system used in our office. A scientifically designed, advanced treatment that relies on a patented gel and specialized dental tray system to whiten teeth for many hours afterward, the KOR whitening promises amazing results.

Kept refrigerated to ensure premium quality, the special gel is activated when applied and the well-designed trays protect your gums and ensure that the gel remains in full contact with the teeth. Even when removed, the active ingredients continue to improve the look and condition of the enamel for hours afterward.

Without any lasers or special lights, the in-office tooth whitening actually removes debris and rejuvenates the enamel, while improving the color of the teeth. In less than one hour, the in-office treatment can deliver excellent results. Issues as stubborn as fluorosis and staining related to age can be treated with the in-office tooth whitening options. There are also at-home products that will provide whitening when used independently as well as a follow up to one of our in-office tooth whitening treatments.

Don’t worry about sensitivity after tooth whitening either, since the KOR system has been designed to eliminate such problems.

If you have been yearning to put the finishing touches on your healthy teeth and gums, get in touch with our office and book a visit with a top quality cosmetic dentist. You will enjoy much whiter teeth in no time, and the results will be long-lasting and appealing. Whether your staining is from medications like tetracycline or due to years of coffee drinking, you can have professional teeth whitening done by an experienced dentist at Old Milton Dental. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation! Learn more about the benefits of teeth whitening by reading our blog.

BriteSmile Teeth Whitening

Are you ready to transform your smile in an hour? Old Milton Dental is ready when you are!

One easy way to renovate your smile is by whitening your teeth. At Old Milton Dental, we offer the best teeth whitening procedure available for Atlanta, Alpharetta, and North Fulton patients. Give us one hour, and Dr. Corey Mazer and Dr. Katie Reid will give you a bright smile.

BriteSmile is a professional teeth whitening system using the most advanced technology available. On average, this system brightens and whitens teeth over 8 shades in an hour! BriteSmile continues to be the best procedure and maintains the best results for teeth whitening.

The BriteSmile system consists of a patented whitening gel and BriteSmile light. The procedure is extremely safe for you and your existing dental work. It will not weaken or damage fillings or enamel. The whitening process occurs through the use of blue wavelength light and a unique chemistry, not solely dependent upon hydrogen peroxide like many other whitening treatments.

You will be able to enjoy your white smile with no discomfort or pain. If your teeth are sensitive after the treatment, avoiding extremely hot or cold drinks in the first 24 hours will ease any aches. Enjoy a new level of confidence stemming from your bright smile!


Contact Information:

Old Milton Dental

4165 Old Milton Parkway, Suite 270

Alpharetta, Georgia 30005

Phone: 678-624-0370
Fax: 678-624-0319

Website: https://oldmiltondental.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/oldmiltondental