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Good to Know Facts About Invisalign

Invisalign is a clear aligners solution that is becoming increasingly popular around the globe, helping patients across the nation find new solutions to straightening their misaligned teeth. Our dentists in Alpharetta want to help you understand the benefits of this cosmetic dentistry procedure, and have compiled a list of the top Invisalign facts that can give you insight on the clear aligners that are sweeping the world of orthodontics.

No Metal in Your Mouth

Did you know that Invisalign is completely metal-free? These invisible aligners are made of a special plastic that fits over your teeth, helping to straighten them without being bogged down by the cumbersome and irritating metal braces.

Easy Hygiene Maintenance

Invisalign makes it super easy for you to maintain your oral hygiene. You can remove the aligners completely from your mouth, which is great for brushing and flossing. You don’t have to worry about metal braces getting in the way of your daily routine. Simply remove the invisible aligners, brush and floss, and place Invisalign trays back in.

Invisalign Is Affordable

Patients are worried that Invisalign tends to be more expensive than traditional braces since it’s a newer advancement. However, this is not the case. One of the best facts about Invisalign is that it costs about the same as a traditional braces treatment, making it easier than ever to invest in this popular cosmetic dentistry treatment!

Invisalign Gives You More Free Time

Spend less time at your orthodontist’s office, and more time at home doing what you love. Invisalign does not require as many checkups as traditional braces do, giving you the freedom to live your life while achieving a beautiful smile.

Get Your Invisalign Consultation Today

Our top Invisalign facts show that the clear braces procedure is easy, effective, and wildly popular. Cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics have worked together to create these clear aligners. Visit Old Milton Dental in Alpharetta, GA today to schedule an appointment, or give us a call at (678) 624-0370 to talk about Invisalign.